In 2002, I went for a mini pilgrimage with my family to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. It was an eye opening experience for me as it was the first time that I ventured out of South East Asia, but it was never a culture shock as the things that I observed are something that I have expected from a Muslim country. However, there are still some differences that I observed to be peculiar and unrelated to religion.
A particular incident which I wish to share is when I was at the hotel lobby on one fine day. I was about to get to the exit door when a middle-eastern man probably in his 50s, was heading to the door as well. Being raised in a community where giving way to the elders is mandatory, I opened the door for him to leave. Instead of gratitude, he looked rather displeased and actually beckoned me to leave first. As I was in no hurry, I gestured to him again to leave first which then prompted him to relay some Arabic words in a harsh tone. Not wanting to further aggravate the situation, I went out, having no idea what happened earlier on.
I only got my answer 8 years later while I was watching a documentary called ‘Secrets of body language’, where 2 middle-eastern politicians were shown jostling to each other at the door. The reason was that their culture dictates that the most important person should leave last. Only then it struck me that the person who was at the hotel entrance almost a decade ago, might be a prominent VIP. Up to this day, I am still surprised on how different their culture is from us despite sharing the same faith, and not to mention their way on reflecting someone’s status. Nevertheless, I will still stick to what I was I taught- giving way to the elders.