Sunday, January 23, 2011

Effective communication- Why it is important to me

As I went through the various topics and skills that we are going to cover in the coming lessons, I began to realize that this module is not merely about learning to create resume/cv, proposal letter or the highly anticipated mock interviews. Like many 4th year students, these skills are much sought after to get ourselves that 'dream' job. However, I believe there is more to that and effective communication will play a major role in that respect. Some of the topics that caught my eye are the recently covered communication and listening skills, the 7Cs of writing as well as the preparation for oral presentation.  

Getting the job and maintaining it are two different matters altogether which explains why effective communication is important to me specifically with regards to the latter. For instance, one of my weaknesses is that I require a considerable amount of time to adapt nicely and warming up to new colleagues. Thus, through effective communication, I can not only pass the message clearly but also engage in a meaningful conversation to create a positive lasting impression.  With the confidence in doing so, I would also hope to be more vocal in voicing out my opinions. Besides verbal communication, I can also aim to improve on expressing my ideas in writing which I believe is still not up to scratch. Finally and most importantly, however is the need for me to conquer my fear of public speaking which is plain for all to see during past oral presentations.    


  1. Hi Fahmi,

    Nice post! =) I hope that the module can help you overcome your fear of public speaking. Public speaking is more of confidence and charisma. Of course, you would need to posses certain level of communication skills.

    You have certainly reflect on your weaknesses but I think it is also equally important to focus on your strength as well. I believe you do have many other strong points in communication as well, like your ability to create humor.

    Effective communication is not only important in work place but also in a domestic setting in which it is as equally important to everyone. How do you think effective communication can play a part in your daily conversations with your friends and family members?

    Once again! A clear and concise post! =)

  2. Hi Wee Lee,

    Thanks for the comment. Like you, most of my close friends and people who converse with on a day to day basis find me to be funny. Ironically however, some of my family members do not share the same view.

    For instance, some of them find me to be anti social and arrogant which is very much far from my true nature. I guess this is because of the rare opportunities to converse or simply because of the impression that I left on them.

    Thus, I hope that with effective communication, I would be more willing to initiate a conversation rather than waiting on them to do so. Finally, with regards to friends, I hope I could be taken more seriously rather than just be the funny guy.

  3. Hi Wee Lee and Fahmi,

    It's really good to read your posts and comments. Fahmi, you're a humorous person as I can see from the belly dancer convincing performance, who said you were antisocial and arrogant must have a misunderstanding with your behavior. Giving them more chances to know you and I'm sure that their points of view will change drastically.

    I actually realize the importance of job interview and social matters when I go to job which is one of the reasons I pick up this module. Similar to you, I get difficulties to make friends with new people and hesitation to voice out my opinion. Hopefully through this module, we can improve the situation.

    Cheers and btw, all the best for your FYP ^^

  4. Fahmi, thanks for this clear, concise and well-focused post.

    According to a research conducted by Stanford Research Institute, 85% of our success is related to our people skills (interpersonal and communication skills) while only 15% is related to our technical skills and abilities.

    What you'd shared thus made a lot of sense in many aspects - it is not just about getting the dream job, it is also very much about maintaining it; and working on polishing our interpersonal communication is a very good first step in ensuring the creation and maintenance of links both inside and outside of organisations.

    Looking forward to reading your next post!
